Pages in category "International members of the American Philosophical Society"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 457 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat
- Rosalie Abella
- Lucien Adam
- Frank Dawson Adams
- Lia Addadi
- David Adjaye
- Edgar Adrian
- Richard Adrian, 2nd Baron Adrian
- Pierre Aigrain
- George Biddell Airy
- Pavel Alexandrov
- Hannes Alfvén
- Claude Allègre
- Amado Alonso
- Dámaso Alonso
- Marie-Thérèse d'Alverny
- Edoardo Amaldi
- Leif Andersson (animal geneticist)
- Christopher Andrewes
- George Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll
- William Armstrong, 1st Baron Armstrong
- Vladimir Arnold
- Ruth Arnon
- Raymond Aron
- Svante Arrhenius
- Michael Atiyah
- John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury
- Walter Baade
- Franz Babinger
- Robert Badinter
- Adolf von Baeyer
- John Baines (Egyptologist)
- Keith Michael Baker
- Georges Balandier
- Kurt Baldinger
- Arthur Balfour
- Robert Stawell Ball
- Andrew Balmford
- Joseph Banks
- François Barbé-Marbois
- Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg
- Thomas Barnes (Unitarian)
- James Barr (biblical scholar)
- Joachim Barrande
- Frederic Bartlett
- Derek Barton
- George Aaron Barton
- Adolf Bastian
- Harry Bateman
- Patrick Bateson
- James Beattie (poet)
- Francis Beaufort
- John Beazley
- Henri Becquerel
- Joseph Bédier
- Baron Frederick Eugene de Beelen-Bertholf
- Gillian Beer
- Jocelyn Bell Burnell
- Hans Belting
- Eshel Ben-Jacob
- Edvard Beneš
- Margaret Bent
- Torbern Bergman
- Sune Bergström
- Isaiah Berlin
- Claude Bernard
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Michael Berridge
- Michael Berry (physicist)
- Marcellin Berthelot
- Frederick Ponsonby, 10th Earl of Bessborough
- Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
- Henry Bessemer
- John Bevis
- Samuel Birch (Egyptologist)
- Bernhard Bischoff
- Kurt Bittel
- William Blades
- Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville
- Johann Friedrich Blumenbach
- Otto von Böhtlingk
- Niels Bohr
- Charles Lucien Bonaparte
- Joseph Bonaparte
- Lucien Bonaparte
- Roland Bonaparte
- Franz Bopp
- Jean-Baptiste Édouard Bornet
- Rachel Bowlby
- Lawrence Bragg
- William Henry Bragg
- Aristides Brezina
- Jacques Pierre Brissot
- Paul Broca
- Heinrich Georg Bronn
- Gro Harlem Brundtland
- James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce
- E. A. Wallis Budge
- Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
- Macfarlane Burnet
- Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis
- Augustin Pyramus de Candolle
- William Benjamin Carpenter
- Jorge Castañeda Gutman
- Augustin-Louis Cauchy
- James Chadwick
- Constantin François de Chassebœuf, comte de Volney
- Robin Clark (chemist)
- Arthur Bernard Cook
- William Craigie
- David Lindsay, 28th Earl of Crawford
- August Leopold Crelle
- Francis Crick
- Paul J. Crutzen
- Franz Cumont
- Marie Curie
- Ernst Curtius
- Ross Cuthbert (politician)
- Jean Dalibard
- Charles Galton Darwin
- Erasmus Darwin
- Gabriel Auguste Daubrée
- Thomas Davidson (palaeontologist)
- Humphry Davy
- William Boyd Dawkins
- F. W. de Klerk
- Laurent-Guillaume de Koninck
- Attilio Degrassi
- Yves Delage
- Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre
- Pierre Deligne
- Alfred Des Cloizeaux
- Anselme Gaëtan Desmarest
- Antoine Destutt de Tracy
- Sandra Díaz (ecologist)
- Anton Dohrn
- Georges Duby
- Jean-Baptiste Dumas
- André Marie Constant Duméril
- Archibald Cochrane, 9th Earl of Dundonald
- John Dupré
- Georg Ebers
- John Eccles (neurophysiologist)
- Arthur Eddington
- Peter Edwards (chemist)
- Dietz Otto Edzard
- Luigi Einaudi
- Albert Einstein
- Jean-Baptiste Élie de Beaumont
- Johann Franz Encke
- Stephan Endlicher
- Adolf Engler
- Leo Esaki
- Paul Henri Balluet d'Estournelles de Constant
- Arthur Evans
- John Evans (archaeologist)
- Johan Christian Fabricius
- Michael Faraday
- Martín Fernández de Navarrete
- Maribel Fierro
- Gaetano Filangieri
- Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim
- Emil Fischer
- Jean Pierre Flourens
- William Henry Flower
- Monika Fludernik
- Michael Foster (physiologist)
- James Franck
- Oliver Franks, Baron Franks
- James Anthony Froude
- Northrop Frye