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- DescriptionOmi Beef Rice & Matsusaka Beef Hamburg Steak Bento.jpg 日本語:近江牛めしと松阪牛焦がしハンバーグ弁当。滋賀県草津市の草津駅の駅弁。南洋軒の調製。 English: This is Omi Beef Rice & Matsusaka Beef Hamburg...(4,608 × 2,664 (2.98 MB)) - 14:11, 10 April 2022
- File:Foreign crops and markets (IA foreigncropsmark8024unit).pdf (matches file content)Fall Sowing 17 18 LIVESTOCK AND MEAT PRODUCTS Australian Ship Sails With Beef for U. S Iranian Soap Consumption and Tallow Imports Rising Sharply New Zealand...(972 × 1,133 (1,002 KB)) - 20:44, 17 August 2024
- File:A new system of domestic cookery, formed upon principles of economy and adapted to the use of families (IA b21505147).pdf (matches file content)and for so as to unite a zz'ere intendedfor the of the Authoress’s omi the arrangement of their table, good Jigure with proper economy, she...(708 × 1,237 (15.5 MB)) - 07:56, 26 August 2023
- File:Serving many (IA CAT11085487013).pdf (matches file content)-prepare .breakfast, ... ' • One reason a v/orkfer.'.s:,- breakfast" is omi^tte'd" or is Inadequat'e is because he does not realize the relationship...(1,375 × 1,789 (722 KB)) - 21:05, 17 August 2024
- File:Start good food habits early (IA startgoodfoodhab1932unit).pdf (matches file content)their omi ways of naking it, I thiiilc you'll be interested in sone of the Recipe Lady's ideas on the subject, Slie believes in conbining lean beef with...(1,062 × 1,625 (392 KB)) - 13:24, 18 August 2024
- File:The quickest guide to breakfast, dinner and supper (IA b21537859).pdf (matches file content)beef, carrots, turnips, celery, thyme, oniolist Large fowl, leeks, stock. Head, cloves, herbs, mace, rice-flour, ketchup, white stocki Gravy Beef,...(1,154 × 883 (2.93 MB)) - 11:47, 21 April 2022
- File:Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, for the year ended 31st March, 1908. (IA 1909v43i15p27 0592).pdf (matches file content)65-91. Restigouche Band, Que., Rice Lake, Ont., Mississaguas, Richmond County, N.S., Micmacs, Riou, Rev. J., O.M.I., River Desert Band, Que., Robertson...(570 × 906 (43.12 MB)) - 14:51, 29 July 2022
- File:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews1944unit 8).pdf (matches file content)powdered leaves of the herb. Used tQ ^easpJl poultry, otsws, soups, sausage* ^omi^ is grown in the United States. -0FRUITo FROM FAR AND NEAR parsley faraily...(1,356 × 1,958 (2.68 MB)) - 06:53, 18 August 2024
- File:Dainty dishes - receipts (IA b21538293).pdf (matches file content)of seasonview easy an space smaUest authorities, so as to afford in the omiUea, are importations tinned numerous Of course the able foods. being always...(933 × 1,387 (16.71 MB)) - 04:40, 12 June 2024
- File:Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, for the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1901. (IA 1902v36i11p27 0093).pdf (matches file content)Reserves, Restigouche Band, Que., Rice Lake, Ont., Mississaguas, Richmond County, X.S., Micmacs, Riou, Rev. J., O.M.I., River Desert Band, Que., Robertson...(568 × 906 (46.97 MB)) - 11:16, 26 August 2023
- File:Distribution of the agricultural exports of the United States, 1897-1901 (IA distributionofag29hitc).pdf (matches file content)manufactures of) Hides and skins, other than furs Honey Canned beef Fresh beef Beef, salted or pickled Beef, cured, not elsewhere specified 42 43 44 45 46 47 47...(931 × 1,327 (18.81 MB)) - 17:18, 31 August 2020
- File:Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, for the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1902. (IA 1903v37i11p27 0148).pdf (matches file content)' ' Restigouche Band, Que., Rice Lake, Ont., Mississaguas, Richmond County, N.S., Micmacs, Riou, Rev. J,, O.M.I., River Desert Band, Que., Riviere...(429 × 695 (30.02 MB)) - 11:16, 26 August 2023
- File:The market basket (IA CAT11085453010).pdf (matches file content)AGRICULTURE OR INRORMiS^TION PRESS SERVICE ORRIOIB WASHINGTON, D. C';fOMI EELSASSD FGR PIBLICATIOH 0CT03EH 16, 195l( FRIDAY) ECONOMrCS THE 1/AMET...(1,412 × 1,889 (3.65 MB)) - 07:48, 16 December 2024
- File:RFD letter to radio farm directors (IA rfdlettertoradi1958unit 9).pdf (matches file content)towns and cities or to nonfana activities, they tend to grow less of their omi fruits and to buy more. The specialists also find that improvements in facilities...(1,127 × 1,514 (1.09 MB)) - 09:03, 25 August 2024
- File:The Stephenson dinner (microform) - Toronto, 26th August, 1853, wine list . (IA cihm 44984).pdf (matches file content)8 Vuiita, Houion, Beef, fOlWe*), Ooteletlni lis Ciu»le, (Duck»), lladfiota '' of Muuau, Prieandnnt of VoHl, liiiiMn, OMiMm, *. itrwwlOibiMk...(1,206 × 1,495 (341 KB)) - 22:41, 4 March 2021
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- File:Foreign crops and markets (IA foreigncropsmark6421unit).pdf (matches file content)practices. Seserv* CROPS AND MARK ETS V NUMBER 21 VOLUME 64 MILK RICE (Page 477) (Page 470) DRY BEANS (Page 474) CONTENTS Page FOR RELEASE...(1,083 × 1,458 (2.36 MB)) - 20:57, 10 July 2024
- File:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews1947unit 3).pdf (matches file content)VliWf A Service For Food Page Editors of Western Dailies Housira FOH omi^ San Francisco, California May 2, 1947 ' fcobs. The accent- these days...(1,397 × 1,954 (2.43 MB)) - 05:05, 18 August 2024
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b2150541x).pdf (matches file content)Cookery Books The Gift of Mr. Preston LEEDS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Classmark: (omi f\m 10 6 0 22 8 69 Digitized by the Internet Archiye in 2015 https://archive...(812 × 1,420 (18.79 MB)) - 08:25, 1 November 2020
- File:The epicure's almanac (for 1841-43) ... containing a choice ... receipt ... for every day of the year (IA b22019194 0002).pdf (matches file content)Leveret Green Goose SWEETS. Ground Rice Pudding Yeal Cutlets Chickens a la Wild Pigeons Neige Hashed Beef Heart Rabbits Ducklings English...(806 × 1,279 (5.7 MB)) - 06:27, 1 December 2024