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- DescriptionPhoenix-Paris Laundry & Dry Cleaning-1957.JPG English: The Paris Laundry and Dry Cleaning Building was built in 1957. It is located 4130 N....(3,264 × 2,448 (1.79 MB)) - 22:33, 1 November 2022
- DescriptionParis Laundry ^ Dry Cleaning, Phoenix AZ, USA - panoramio.jpg Paris Laundry & Dry Cleaning, Phoenix AZ, USA Date Taken on 26 February 2011...(2,304 × 3,456 (3.05 MB)) - 03:38, 3 July 2022
- File:Country life (IA countrylife58gard).pdf (matches file content)for high class country properties. ARIZONA •_ PHOENIX, ARIZONA A few exclusive homes in the Phoenix Country Club Grounds now available for the winter...(1,329 × 2,018 (79.59 MB)) - 07:29, 22 April 2024
- File:Alberta public accounts for the year ending December 31, 1916 (IA albertapublicacc1916albe).pdf (matches file content)Insurance Co Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Ltd. Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., of Paris, Prance Prudential Insurance Co. of America Providence-Washington...(770 × 1,275 (20.29 MB)) - 05:05, 17 November 2024
- File:Boston Theatre Babes in the Wood Program (IA bostontheatrebab00unse).pdf (matches file content)Boston XA/EARINC APPAREL A L- L. FLAT WORK Including the entire family laundry, washed, starched and dried ready for ironing, and Washed, dried and ironed...(893 × 1,416 (4.31 MB)) - 11:43, 11 December 2023
- File:Biographical advertiser issued for the holiday trade (IA biographicaladve00tren).pdf (matches file content)the order named Water Park, Vienna, 2300 acres Bois de Bologne, Paris, 2100 Phoenix Park, Dublin, 1760 Royal, Munich, 1375 Forest, St. Louis, 1350; South...(762 × 1,281 (1.61 MB)) - 18:10, 8 October 2024
- File:Books from the Library of Congress (IA richardsonssouth00rich).pdf (matches file content)— Trunk Factory & Repairs Joseph W. Dealy, 130 N. 3rd St, Laundry— Citizens' Steam Laundry, 223 N. 5th, P. C. No. 254. — Men's Furnishings McCarthy...(695 × 1,170 (30.94 MB)) - 15:43, 9 December 2023
- File:Academy architecture and annual architectural review (IA academyarchitect07unse).pdf (matches file content)Ulverston. Haskins, Sami. & Bros., 22 and 24 Old Street, ; , Works, LAUNDRY APPLIANCES :— Bradford, Thos. Salford, Manchester. Alliott & Co., : ...(1,054 × 1,412 (24.37 MB)) - 10:43, 23 September 2023
- File:The uses of plants - a manual of economic botany with special reference to vegetable products introduced during the last fifty years - by G. S. Boulger (IA usesofplantsmanu00boulrich).pdf (matches file content)besides food, viz., in calico-printing, in dressing textile fabrics, for laundry purposes, as adhesive paste, in toilet powder, granules. and the manufacture...(697 × 1,060 (18.39 MB)) - 22:04, 5 March 2022
- File:Academy architecture and architectural review (IA academyarchitect21unse).pdf (matches file content)W. & Sons, Ltd., Phoenix Foundry, Keighley. Cannon Pancras Iron Works Company, St. Pancras Road, N.W. ’Ross, Ltd., Ill LAUNDRY APPLIANCES:— LIFTS...(1,045 × 1,408 (20.51 MB)) - 10:43, 23 September 2023
- File:Home telephone directory (IA hometelephonedir1910homea).pdf (matches file content)California Peterson Bldg., 753 Market Phelan Bldg., 760 Market Phoenix Bldg., 228 Grant Ave Phoenix Bldg., 621 Sansome Portuguese-American Bank Bldg., 347 Front...(887 × 1,408 (27.45 MB)) - 00:07, 22 May 2024
- File:The uses of plants - a manual of economic botany with special reference to vegetable products introduced during the last fifty years (IA b28080130).pdf (matches file content)besides food, viz., in calico-printing, in dressing textile fabrics, for laundry purposes,as adhesive paste, in and toilet powder, the manufacture of...(931 × 1,389 (8.94 MB)) - 03:30, 5 December 2022
- File:Academy architecture and architectural review (IA academyarchitect17unse).pdf (matches file content)European Branch, 143 Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Cormack, James 1 LAUNDRY APPLIANCES:— American *Comyn Ching & Acre, W.C. Arrowsmith, A. i Rotherham...(1,043 × 1,375 (23.59 MB)) - 10:43, 23 September 2023
- File:Academy architecture and annual architectural review (IA academyarchitect06unse).pdf (matches file content)Queen’s Wood- Burke A Street, E.C., and 95 Works, Rotherham. LAUNDRY APPLIANCES A Co., Crescent Iron Works, Salford, Manchester. Manlove, Alliott...(1,016 × 1,425 (22.86 MB)) - 10:43, 23 September 2023
- File:Fleet Hospital 115 Guam (IA FleetHospital115GuamCruiseBook).pdf (matches file content)were some petty problems-Lister bag drinking scenes, latrines, and home- laundry labors, the seaman guard action and antics on the outskirts, and spurious-sounding...(1,275 × 1,645 (32.26 MB)) - 23:07, 17 August 2024
- File:California Digital Library (IA reportofspecialc00sanfrich).pdf (matches file content)Carried Forward 500 100 100 50 $ 5J72 05 —6— Brought Forward Domestic Laundry Dorey and Cunningham Davies, A. H. M Emporium, The Evans, Rev. David...(931 × 1,404 (1.18 MB)) - 04:33, 27 January 2024
- File:The Trinity archive (serial) (IA trinityarchivese37trin).pdf (matches file content)Falls, Mass. Situated in the Center of the "Great White Way" The ^Phoenix Qafe Everything Strictly First-class Prompt and It's a pleasure to...(929 × 1,245 (28.91 MB)) - 13:24, 1 September 2023
- File:Academy architecture and architectural review (IA academyarchitect15unse).pdf (matches file content)E.C. ; Co., 95 and Upper Thames Effingham Works, Rotherham. LAUNDRY APPLIANCES:— Bradford, Thos. & Co., Crescent Iron Salford, Manchester...(1,054 × 1,377 (22.08 MB)) - 04:04, 20 August 2024
- File:Academy architecture and architectural review (IA academyarchitect11unse).pdf (matches file content)WoodRoad, Haywood & Street, E.C. ; Co., and 95 tVorks, Rotherham. LAUNDRY APPLIANCES & Co., Crescent Iron Works, Salford, Manchester. Manlove, Alliott...(1,604 × 2,406 (21.74 MB)) - 10:43, 23 September 2023
- File:Academy architecture and annual architectural review (IA academyarchitect05unse).pdf (matches file content)KITCHEN RANGES:— Street, E.C., and 95 j. F., 150 PARQUET FLOORING - LAUNDRY APPLIANCES : Arrowsmith, Arthur Street, De LIFTS, ELEVATORS, HOISTS...(1,035 × 1,379 (24.52 MB)) - 16:53, 6 May 2024