Independent Division of Inner Mongolian Military District (1966-69) Independent Division of Tianjin Security District (1969–76) Security Division of Tianjin Security District (1976-83)
Independent Division of Inner Mongolian Military District (Chinese: 内蒙古军区独立师)(1st Formation) was formed on July 1, 1966 from the Public Security Contingent of Heilongjiang province. The division was composed of four regiments (5th to 8th) and two independent battalions.
In August 1976 the division was renamed as Security Division of Tianjin Security District(Chinese: 天津警备区警备师). Its 6th, 7th and 8th Regiments were renamed as 1st, 2nd and 3rd Security Regiments, respectively.
In March 1983 the division was transferred to People's Armed Police as Armed Police Contingent of Tianjin City.